Stoke Lords
Beach sunset with stoke mansion
Mint your Stoke Lord for free

What are Stoke Lords?

Stoke Lords are a collection of 8,828 unique digital assets (NFTs) living on the Ethereum blockchain. Stoke Lords are not at all about getting rich. Stoke Lords are purely about bringing stoke to the homies that hold the NFTs. Stoke Lords are minted for 0.00 ETH (only pay the gas). Stoke Lords will make you rich in stoke, Stoke Lords will definitely not make you rich in dollars.

Lee NFTSkyler NFTChad NFTBrad NFT

Add to your Stoke Lord's Metadata

Each Stoke Lord includes unique characteristics making their stoke unique. We want you to actively participate in the minting process, so we're providing 8 multiple choice questions that can be answered or left blank for a random selection. The output will then be passed into the Stoke Lord metadata when minted on the blockchain.

Beach water and sand

Frequently asked questions

Skull with trees

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